Magnificent Millie

Friday, August 29, 2008

Mill Mountain Zoo

We went to the Mill Mountain Zoo today and Millie adored the Wolverine. He really put on a show for us.

Great Aunt Goo (Virginia) comes to visit

On Wednesday Great Aunt Goo arrived from New York. Goo came with Millie to the open house at her preschool. Millie loved meeting her new teacher's Miss Kay and Miss Karin.

Playdate at Elliott's house

Last Tuesday Elliott had everyone over to her house for a playdate. With five girls and two boys it was WILD!!...and so much fun. This Mom definitely could not run a daycare.

Elliott's Christening

Last Sunday we went to Waynesboro for Elliott Wiegard's Christening. We all had a great time and especially enjoyed the champagne brunch at Elliott's grandparent's home.

Courtney (Elliott's Mom), Michaux, and Godmother Lauren

Stan, Millie, the belle of the ball Elliott, and Spencer (Elliott's Dad)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Millie meets the cousins

Millie went to C'ville this weekend to meet the Baird/DeMoors Cousins.

Millie , Lizzie, and Christopher

John and Lizzie

Baby Carter and Millie (Carter looks a little bored by it all)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Millie got a little excited when she saw Claire this afternoon at Ukrops.

Sippy Cup

We have bought Millie umpteen sippy cups all orthodontically correct, BPA free, and spill resistant with handles. She won't drink any of them, she will only chew on them and throw them to the ground. Grandma Bea Bea brought out Stan's 33 year old, non spill resistant, faded, with no handles sippy cup and of course she loves it.

First Haircut -- Hillybilly style in the Backyard

Grandma Bea Bea decided Millie needed a little snip, snip to "bring out the curl in her hair" i.e. to get rid of the mullet that was growing half way down her back.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Peyton invited the Girls (and Little William) over for lunch. What fun!

L to R Kathleen and William, Courtney and Elliott, Millie, Rhonda and Peyton.

Peyton napped, Millie fussed, Elliott played, and William was a perfect angel -- he was a little outnumbered with this group!

Millie discovers the Jumperoo

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Great Aunt Stu Comes to Visit

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Natural Bridge Zoo

Friday, August 8, 2008



Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Millie's First Meal...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Baby's night out

On Sunday night Millie went out to dinner with 4 of her girlfriends.

Grandma Weezer and Grandma Georgina

Millie met another little friend named Stella in C'ville.

The Bigelow's

Millie went to Coleman and Maura Bigelow's party on Saturday night in C'ville. She met Molly Bigelow and her little brother Ian. Molly and Millie were fast friends and Molly gave Millie lots of hugs.
